Saturday, February 15, 2014

35 TOP MySQL Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

List of top 35 Mysql multiple choice questions and answers for freshers beginners and experienced PDF, MYSQL Interview Questions and Answers pdf free download

0. The "father" of MySQL is ______.
1: The main MySQL program that does all the data handling is called
2: To use MySQL on your computer, you'll need
3: MySQL comes with as standard with client libraries for:
4. What kind of replication is supported by the MySQL server?
5: Internally information is held in tables. Which of these is NOT a valid format:
6: Commands passed to the MySQL daemon are written in
7: MySQL supports the complete SQL99 standard
8: Which of these is not a valid name for a column
9: In a LIKE clause, you can could ask for any value ending in "ton" by writing
10: Which of the following can add a row to a table?
11: Which of these commands will delete a table called XXX if you have appropriate authority:
12: The USE command
13: In a LIKE clause, you can ask for any 6 letter value by writing:
14: MySQL runs on which operating systems?
15: MySQL Access security is controlled through
16: Which of the following is NOT supported by MySQL
17: One of the early proponents of relational database who laid down many of the principles we use to this day was:
18: You are required to buy a license for MySQL if
19: Which of these is a valid call to a function (watch the spaces carefully!)
20: If you want to undo a GRANT, you should use
21: How many distinct, different values can you hold in an enum field?
22: Which of the following is NOT available in MySQL:
23: Which of these field types would be best to hold a film title?
24: The program called mysql is
25: In a LIKE clause, you can ask for any 6 letter value by writing:
26: Which of the following is available in MySQL:
27: Which of these field types would be best to hold a .jpg image?
28: If you're writing a client using the C language API, your source code should include the following line at the top:
29: A user with RELOAD priveliges can
30: What's the difference between the DESCRIBE and SHOW FIELDS FROM commands?
31: Which of these is not a valid name for a column
32: Commands passed to the MySQL daemon are written in
33: Which of the following is available in MySQL:
34: One of the early proponents of relational database who laid down many of the principles we use to this day was:

More PL SQL Interview Questions & Answers: Click Here

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